SPSO launches consultation on complaints handling statement

The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) has launched a consultation on an updated Statement of Complaints Handling Principles.
Since the principles were approved by Scottish Parliament in 2011, the language and landscape of complaints handling has changed. There has also been the addition of the Whistleblowing Principles in 2021 and the Child Friendly Complaints Handling Principles earlier this year.
To meet this changing landscape, the SPSO has updated the wording of the principles and is now seeking views on whether the updated principles are clear and easy to understand.
The consultation is open to any organisation that is required to comply with the principles, as well as public service organisations that are not within the SPSO’s jurisdiction. It is also open to third-sector organisations, especially those that work with public bodies.The consultation is open and will run until Friday 31 January 2025.
Following the consultation, responses will be considered and any necessary changes to the language of the principles will be made. The principles will then be submitted to Parliament for approval and published in 2025.