Strathclyde Law Clinic trains 39 new advisors

The University of Strathclyde Law Clinic recently concluded its initial advisor training.
A total of 39 new advisers were successfully trained over four sessions designed to brief new advisers on all aspects of the clinic’s work.
Sessions involved exercises designed to teach interviewing skills, introductions to legal research with Charles Hennessy, the academic director of the diploma in professional legal practice, and professional ethics lessons with clinical LLB director Rhonda Wheate.
Mock interviews and letter writing lessons allowed new members to develop skills which will aid them throughout their time at the clinic and beyond.
Several of the new intake are already getting involved at the clinic including taking on case work, attending IACs and taking part in the clinic’s many projects.
Training officer Anthony Pace said: “The clinic would like to thank the many existing members who volunteered to help with many of the IAT sessions. Without their help successfully running this year’s IAT would not have been possible.”