Strathclyde students explain work of law clinic to Thai judges
Law students at Strathclyde University made a presentation on the work of the law clinic to judges from Thailand.
James Anderson and Kirstie Webb, student directors of the Strathclyde Law Clinic, described to the visiting delegation the work the law clinic carries out, how it operates and students’ involvement in the clinic.
Ms Webb said: “It was a privilege to have an opportunity to address the Supreme Court judges from Thailand and demonstrate the legal services that we offer. The work carried out by our student advisors is truly inspiring, this opportunity to showcase their dedication to access to justice, particularly to such a respected audience, was a memorable experience.”
Mr Anderson added: “I was extremely proud to have the opportunity to talk about the work conducted by the law clinic and how it benefits the general public and students alike. During our time with the judges we learned that Thailand does not currently have anything comparable to a law clinic, therefore it was a privilege to convey and hopefully encourage the principle of access to justice through law clinics.”
Dr Sutatip Yuthayotin, one of the judges from Thailand, assisted the pair by translating their presentation. He said: “As legal practitioners, we, the visiting judges from Thailand, have found that the law clinic at Strathclyde University offers important opportunity for young students to learn laws by their own practical experiences. This is a unique form of legal education that will be beneficial not only to individual law students but also to the community and public as a whole.”