Stronachs’ ‘Tea in the Park’ raises £10,000 for CLAN

Ladies raise £10,000 for CLAN - over afternoon tea

A ladies’ afternoon tea party organised by Stronachs LLP raised more than £10,000 for CLAN – seeing the law firm reach its annual target for its chosen charity in a matter of hours.

More than 80 women attended the sold out “Tea in the Park” event at Hazlehead Park, with guests contributing to CLAN through raffle tickets, bidding on auction prizes and taking part in games.

CLAN Cancer Support is an independent charity that provides comfort, support and information, free of charge, for anyone, of any age, affected by any type of cancer. Services are available at 11 support and wellbeing centres located across north-east Scotland, Moray, Orkney and Shetland.

The event, held at The Park Cafe at Hazlehead, was organised by the full service law firm’s charity and social committee which is chaired by partner Carol Crowther.

She said: “We are thrilled to have achieved our fundraising target for CLAN so quickly and it’s given us huge encouragement to continue to do all we can to support this inspirational charity.

“This simply wouldn’t have been possible without the generosity and support of our staff, our clients, business contacts and local people who have supported our fundraising efforts and we’d like to thank each of them for helping us raise such a fantastic sum of money for this much needed cause.”

Susan Crighton, CLAN’s fundraising manager said: “We’re extremely grateful to Stronachs for organising this hugely successful event and for pledging to support CLAN throughout the year.

“We cannot thank everyone involved in raising this generous donation enough, this kind of support is absolutely crucial in allowing CLAN to provide vital services to those affected by cancer in the north-east.”

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