Sturgeon makes new ministerial appointments

Sturgeon makes new ministerial appointments

Ben Macpherson

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has appointed Mairi Gougeon as the new minister for public health and sport, among a range of new appointments which she said come “at a crucial time for Scotland” as the nation faces a number of challenges.

Ben Macpherson, who graduated in law from Edinburgh University and trained at Brodies, is to become minister for rural affairs and the natural environment, supporting both Roseanna Cunningham and Fergus Ewing where he will focus on the impact of Brexit on the rural economy, support efforts to tackle climate change and to protect our wildlife and biodiversity.

Minister for trade, investment and innovation Ivan McKee will take on additional responsibilities for supporting Finance Secretary Kate Forbes as the Scottish government prepares to publish its budget early in the new year.

Minister for Europe and international development Jenny Gilruth is to take on responsibility for migration.

Last week the First Minister nominated Angela Constance as minister for drugs policy.

Ms Sturgeon said: “At a crucial time for Scotland, these new appointments ensure that we have a ministerial team fully focused on tackling the many important challenges facing us.

“Mairi Gougeon has proven herself to be a highly effective Rural Affairs minister working with stakeholders, balancing competing interests and taking on difficult policy challenges. She will now be part of the team protecting and improving Scotland’s public health, and will play a key role in the pandemic, taking the lead on testing.

“Mairi will work alongside the new minister for drugs policy Angela Constance, who is tasked specifically with tackling what is another major public health emergency in Scotland.

“Ben Macpherson takes on the environment post at a critical time in our fight against climate change and as we take new steps to protect Scotland’s wonderful and diverse natural environment. Having previously worked on climate justice and climate finance, Ben will continue our work to protect wildlife, enhance biodiversity and support Scotland’s rural economy.

“With responsibility for migration, Jenny Gilruth will be working to tackle the demographic challenge threatening to undermine our economy and our society, and Ivan McKee will assist Kate Forbes in supporting firms through the pandemic, ensuring Scottish government procurement backs Scottish business and in preparing our Budget early in the new year.”

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