SULCN annual conference to address social justice

The Scottish University Law Clinic Network (SULCN) is holding its annual conference online on Wednesday 23 February from 14:00 – 17:00.
This year, SULCN will address the issues of social justice and how to improve law clinics’ online and in-person services. The event will be divided into three workshops which are as follows:
- Public legal education: a discussion about the GCU Campaign for Complainer Anonymity, a public legal education and law reform project which aims to change the law on complainer anonymity in Scottish sexual offence cases.
- Climate justice: Rebecca Williams will explain what climate justice is, and how can local organisations (law clinics) and students (law students) support climate justice and campaign for legal reform concerning climate justice.
- Advice and assistance: a discussion on trauma-informed lawyering by Melissa Rutherford (Rutherford Sheridan Ltd) and Iain Smith (Keegan Smith Law) and steps on becoming trauma aware.
To register for tickets and see the full programme, please click here.