SULI announces funding awards

SULI announces funding awards

Young academics have been awarded funding by the Scottish Universities Law Institute (SULI).

SULI publishes Scots law texts for practitioners, academics and texts, and in recent years it has established early career fellowships (ECR) and post graduate research (PGR) scholarships to support research on aspects of Scots law.

The ECR recipients are:

  • Jonathan Brown, of Strathclyde University, for Aiding the Unable: Negotiorum Gestio in Legal Practice
  • Charles Mak, of RGU, for A Future Beyond the Trusts and Succession (Scotland) Act 2024: Further Modernisation of Trust Taxation in Scotland
  • Rachael Wallace, of Dundee University, for Scottish Law Firms and the Duty to Make Reasonable Adjustments for Disabled Solicitors

Troy Charman of Glasgow University is the recipient of the PGR Scholarship for A 21st-century comparative study of the law of defamation in Scotland and South Africa.

Professor Barry Rodger, director of SULI, said: “I am delighted to announce these awards which should help to support significant and innovative research into a range of aspects of Scots law and practice.”

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