Supreme Court offers pupils unique Q+A session with a justice

Lord Briggs speaking to students from Helston Community College
The Supreme Court is offering students the opportunity to have a live question and answer session with a justice from their own classroom.
These sessions, which will run between the months of January-May 2019, offer students with a keen interest in law a unique chance to meet and speak with a justice.
Applications must be made by teachers from accredited teaching institutions (schools or colleges) for the following year groups: Years 11, 12 and 13 in England Wales, Years 12-14 in Northern Ireland and S5 and S6 students in Scotland.
Bookings from schools and colleges in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and, in England, from the North East, North West, South West and Yorkshire and the Humber will be prioritised.
In order to apply, please complete the application form found here and send to quoting ‘Ask a Justice’.
The deadline for submission is 30 November 2018 and candidates will be contacted by mid-December 2018.