Survey reveals greater awareness of human trafficking
A total of 87 per cent of people would be prepared to report any suspicions of human trafficking to Police Scotland, according to a new survey.
This is an increase from 80 per cent in 2017 and follows a significant Scottish government campaign to raise awareness of trafficking, launched last summer.
Other findings in the survey include an increased awareness that trafficking activity can take place in areas such as farming and the beauty industry and that it isn’t simply related to prostitution or drug trafficking.
Justice Secretary Michael Matheson said: “This survey clearly shows that, in 2018, more people are recognising trafficking, where it takes place, and what to do about it.
“The findings are also in line with the increase in trafficking reports made to Police Scotland, published earlier this year and suggests the Scottish government’s recent awareness raising campaign has reached a wide range of people.
“However, we cannot be complacent. Such appalling abuses of human rights must stop and we are continuing to make Scotland a hostile environment for traffickers, including giving Police Scotland the power to ban suspects from a range of activities.
“We also remain focused on victims and have increased the statutory minimum period of support to ensure trafficked individuals will receive care over a longer period, which will greatly aid their rehabilitation.”