SYLA: Coffee with the Committee… diversity and inclusion roundtable

SYLA: Coffee with the Committee… diversity and inclusion roundtable

Tuesday 16 November 2021

The SYLA was pleased to deliver last month the first of a two-part series focusing on diversity and inclusion within the Scottish legal profession, more specifically, the inclusion of minority ethnic solicitors.

This roundtable focussed on access to the profession. A second roundtable is due to take place on 25 November 2021 which will focus on progress within the profession.

In advance of the second roundtable, we invite our members to join our committee members to share their comments on the events, on diversity and inclusion, and perhaps their own experiences too.

This session will be held on Tuesday 16 November at 1pm, and will be hosted by:

  • Amina Amin, civil litigation associate at Kennedys; and
  • Brianella Scott, energy and natural resources solicitor at Harper Macleod.

Each hour-long session will be capped at around 25 participants, to ensure maximum participation. Please submit any questions in advance to Joining details will be emailed in due course.

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