SYLA: Connecting Trainees – various sessions this month

SYLA: Connecting Trainees – various sessions this month

The SYLA’s ‘Connecting Trainees’ sessions are returning this month.

Starting a traineeship remotely or by means of hybrid working – rather than entirely in the office – can feel strange. Many will feel they have missed out, as they have been unable to meet fellow trainees and chat informally with people in the same position.

The events will bring those from the 2020/2021 intake together. Attendees will be placed into small groups to allow everyone the chance to speak. However, if you have any questions in advance of the session or proposed topics of conversation, then please email these to

All current trainees/trainees starting before March 2022 are welcome.

This event is a great opportunity to assist with the completion of your PQPR review form.


  • Dundee and Fife Session - Monday 15 November 2021
  • Edinburgh Session - Tuesday 16 November 2021
  • Aberdeen and Highlands Session - Monday 22 November 2021
  • Glasgow and Borders Session - Tuesday 23 November 2021

Sign up here

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