SYLA: Race and ethnicity – access to the profession

SYLA: Race and ethnicity – access to the profession

Thursday 7 October 2021

5.30pm – 6.30pm

The SYLA is pleased to present the first of a two-part series focusing on diversity and inclusion within the Scottish legal profession, more specifically, the inclusion of BAME solicitors. The events will take the form of roundtable discussions - a format that was deliberately selected, in order to encourage open, honest discussion, between the panel members, and the audience.

The first roundtable will examine ‘access’ to the profession, with the second focusing on ‘progress’. ‘Accessing’ the legal profession can be broken down into various stages: school, university, work experience, and the coveted training contract. Our panellists will discuss access (and barriers to access) for BAME lawyers, and will examine what is being done, and what more should be done, to ensure equality of opportunity. We will also explore the intersectionality of this issue, with social mobility, and gender.

The event will be chaired by advocate Usman Tariq. The panellists are:

  • Tatora Mukushi - Solicitor and Convenor of LSS Racial Inclusion Group
  • Amina Amin - Associate at Kennedys and SYLA Committee Member
  • Elaine MacGlone – Equality and Diversity Manager at the Law Society of Scotland
  • Emma Smith – Inclusion and Wellbeing Manager at Burness Paull LLP
  • Kerry Trewern - Director, University of Glasgow Diploma in Professional Legal Practice

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