Teenager’s death from carbon monoxide to be subject of FAI

Teenager's death from carbon monoxide to be subject of FAI

The tragic death of a teenager from carbon monoxide poisoning at a holiday cottage will be the subject of a fatal accident inquiry.

Thomas Hill, 18, was found unconscious at Glenmark Cottage, near Tarfside in Angus, which it transpired had faulty gas heaters.

The student had been on holiday with his partner Charlotte Beard and her family when the incident occurred in 2018.

At Dundee Sheriff Court last year, Burghill Farms and Piers Le Cheminant, who ran the cottage, admitted exposing people to the risk of death.

They both pled guilty to breaches of The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 and the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. Burghill Farms was fined £120,000 and Le Cheminant £2,000.

An FAI will be conducted at Forfar Sheriff Court. Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain QC ordered the FAI on the basis the death gave rise to “serious public concern” and an inquiry was in the “public interest”.

There will be a preliminary hearing in March, with the full inquiry expected to take place later this year.

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