Terra Firma Chambers Licensing Seminar - Monday 30 January 2023
Terra Firma Chambers will present a licensing seminar at The Mackenzie Building, Edinburgh, on Monday 30 January 2023.
At this event, Denis Edwards will present a paper in which he will consider the significance of location in licensing applications, its importance in relation to over-provision policies in alcohol licensing and special events licenses, and the limits of ‘local knowledge’ in the decision-making process.
This will be followed by a talk by Scott Blair entitled ‘Sexual Entertainment Licensing: The Kaagabot Limited & Others v City of Edinburgh Council Judicial Review’ in which Scott will outline the background to SEV legislation and the Edinburgh “nil cap”. He will also take a look at the licensing law arguments, Public Sector Equality Duty and indirect discrimination, and ECHR and EU law considerations. The seminar will be chaired by Douglas Armstrong KC.
Registration will commence at 4.30pm with the seminar starting at 5pm followed by drinks and canapés at 6pm.
The seminar has been accredited by the Faculty of Advocates as contributing one hour of CPD for its own members and is eligible for a similar award from the Law Society for the solicitor branch of the profession.
There is no charge for attendance but prior booking is essential. For further information and to secure your place at this event, please visit our seminars page or email seminars@terrafirmachambers.com.