Thomas Ross QC and Edith Forrest launch Benchmark Advocates

Today sees the launch of Benchmark Advocates – a collaboration which takes a contemporary approach to the marketing and delivery of advocacy services.
Thomas Leonard Ross QC and advocate Edith Forrest have worked with leading IT professionals to create the vehicle, which aims to complement traditional standards of professional excellence with 21st century methods of communication.
Mr Ross explained: “We identified a small number of practice areas in which we can each demonstrate proven excellence and set about the task of building a unique organisation from scratch.
“We identified the top people in the field of photography, design and web creation and worked with them to create a website with associated social media profiles.”
He added: “We have no clerks – we encourage solicitors (and bodies with direct access privileges) to contact us directly by email and telephone (call handling during court and consultations has been outsourced to Helen and her team at Easy Answering). When required we hire a meeting room from a UK wide provider at the town most convenient to the solicitor / client.
“These efficiency savings allow us to provide our services at a very competitive rate – and our fee structure is completely transparent. Starting small gives us the flexibility to adapt quickly to changes in the market – but our ambitions for Benchmark Advocates are big.”
Ms Forrest added: “Our approach has been greatly influenced by our engagement with AAT Legal. Ally Thomson made us think strategically about our project, with a focus upon how it would best serve clients in the new legal market created by the digital age.
“Their advice throughout the process has been invaluable and they have produced for us a vehicle that exceeds all our expectations.”