TikTok facing legal action from French parents’ group

TikTok facing legal action from French parents' group

TikTok is facing a lawsuit from a new group of French parents who believe the video-sharing platform is not doing enough to protect children online.

The Algos Victima collective, backed by lawyer Laure Boutron-Marmion, aims to bring together the greatest number of families to bring TikTok before the French courts.

Mr Boutron-Marmion already represents the parents of Marie, who allege that the videos their teenage daughter was watching contributed to her decision to take her own life in 2021.

Algos Victima “is committed to fighting for the recognition of the legal responsibility of digital platforms in cases of harm inflicted on minor users”, it said in a statement, and will support the legal action brought by Marie’s parents as well as regulatory actions in the EU and US.

“Beyond recognising the legal responsibility of platforms, the collective also aims to raise awareness among the general public and political leaders of the dangerousness and addictive nature of the products offered by digital giants, so that real regulation can be implemented,” it said.

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