Time is running out to apply for devilling scholarships

The closing date for those wanting to apply for scholarships for devilling offered through the Faculty of Advocates is Friday 28 April.
The scholarships are aimed at easing financial tensions during the training period for the bar for those with the skills and motivation to practice as advocates. In the last five years, over 60 scholarships have been awarded, with over £350,000 worth of support provided to devils.
“These scholarships play a significant role in promoting and encouraging diversity at the Bar and are aimed at further lowering financial barriers to entry in addition to the free devilling training offered by Faculty,” said Ruth Crawford, KC, treasurer of the Faculty of Advocates and chair of its Scholarship Committee. “All applicants must show sufficient ability, but greater weighting is given when awarding the Lord Hope, Faculty, and the SCLR Scholarships to those in financial need or to those from groups currently under-represented.”
There are four scholarships schemes open to applicants. The Lord Reid Scholarship is awarded in honour of the late Lord Reid of Drem from a bequest provided by him. One or more Faculty Scholarships may also be awarded to candidates of particular merit. The SCLR Scholarship is generously funded by the Scottish Council of Law Reporting and is administered by the Faculty’s Scholarship Committee. The Lord Hope Scholarships are funded by contributions made by existing members of Faculty.
Applications will be decided well in advance of the final deadline for matriculating as an intrant for devilling in 2024. More details on the scholarships, the application process and further information are available here.