TLT and Gillespie Macandrew on SSE legal panel

Derek McCulloch
SSE has appointed a new legal panel following a review which began in September 2019. The appointment of the new panel follows SSE’s increased alignment of its wider business strategy to focus on low carbon assets and infrastructure and delivering a low carbon future.
SSE’s original legal panel was appointed in 2014, which was extended in 2017. A total of 40 firms applied to take part in the competitive tender process for appointment to the new panel, which is for SSE’s UK legal services.
The new panel members are Dentons, DLA, Linklaters, MacRoberts and TLT. The retained panel members are Addleshaw Goddard, CMS, Freshfields and Gillespie Macandrew.
The appointments reflect a mix of full service and specialist advisers covering SSE’s regulated and unregulated businesses. Firms are appointed to act in ‘Lot’ specialisms, covering commercial, property and contentious areas of work.
SSE deputy general counsel, Stuart Waddell, said: “After an extensive review of its UK legal panel, SSE can today confirm the appointment of nine firms to provide legal support to its business operations.
“We had significant interest in the panel and believe that that we have found a strong combination of firms to support the SSE businesses. The key objective in establishing the new panel was to appoint firms that not only deliver excellence in service, but which also reflect SSE’s values and support our ambition to deliver the low carbon infrastructure needed to help the UK reach net zero emissions.”
Gillespie Macandrew’s head of energy, Derek McCulloch, commented: “We are pleased to continue to provide legal support to SSE. This appointment is testament to the firm’s reputation for providing considerable sector expertise and excellent client service, but also our alignment with SSE’s overall principles and ambition.”
Maria Connolly, partner at TLT, said: “The appointment to SSE’s legal panel is a fantastic demonstration of the strength of our clean energy sector team and real estate group. We are looking forward to working with SSE to help fulfil its ambition to provide the UK with an ever-more sustainable energy network.”
The new panel goes live in March 2020 and will run for a three-year term, with the option to extend for a further two years.