Top earning legal aid firms and advocates revealed in SLAB table
Law firms

Martin Johnston & Socha Ltd Solicitors returned to the top position in this year’s law firm legal aid fees table, after coming in third place last year. The firm saw fees rise three per cent to £1,592,000.
Latta & Co Solicitors maintained second position and saw a five per cent decline in fees to £1,558,000.
Livingstone Brown Solicitors slipped to third place from last year’s top spot and saw fees drop by 18 per cent to 1,442,000.
Bruce McCormack held on to fourth position and saw a three per cent rise in fees to 1,379,000.
Adams Whyte Solicitors stayed at number five in the rankings, with fees increasing by two per cent to £1,283,000.
Paterson Bell rose a place to sixth in this year’s table and brought in £1,245,000, up seven per cent on last year’s figure.
George Mathers & Co Solicitors jumped two places to seventh and saw a two per cent dip in fees to £1,091,000.
In eighth place was Turnbull McCarron Limited, whose fees fell 18 per cent to £973,000 this year.
Gallen and Company took ninth place, up from last year’s eleventh. It saw a drop in fees of eight per cent, to £876,000.
Drummond Miller LLP took tenth position this year, down two places from last year’s eighth. Its fees were down 23 per cent to £858,000.

Brian McConnachie QC received the most in legal aid fees of any advocate in 2018-19, taking in £396,000, a 29 per cent increase on the previous year.
Ian Duguid QC rose from tenth to second place in this year’s table, bringing in £294,000 – a 44 per cent jump on 2017/18.
Anthony Graham QC took third place, up from second last year, and was paid £293,000.
Louise Arrol came in fourth position, rising four places from last year, and saw her fees increase by 24 per cent to £280,000.
John Scullion QC numbers fifth this year, up from sixth a year ago. He earned £272,000 in legal aid fees.
Drew McKenzie, who was ranked 34th in last year’s table, took sixth place – with his fees rising 176 per cent to £270,000, up from last year’s £98,000.
Anthony Lenehan fell from third to seventh in this year’s table, seeing fees decline 14 per cent to £262,000.
Ronaldo Renucci QC placed eighth this year, up a place on last year’s ranking. His fees increased by 11 per cent to £248,000.
John McElroy slipped from fifth to ninth place, seeing a 22 per cent decline in fees to £216,000.
Finally, Thomas Ross QC rose four places to the top 10 and saw fees increase by 34 per cent to £214,000 this year.