Transport (Scotland) Bill passes first stage

MSPs have backed the general principles of the Transport (Scotland) Bill, which would ban vehicles that produce high emissions from city centres.
The bill covers six different transport topics – the creation and enforcement of low emission zones (LEZ), options for more flexibility in the provision of bus services, smart ticketing, a ban on pavement and double parking, road works, the financing of regional transport partnerships and the governance of Scotland’s canals.
Transport Secretary Michael Matheson said: “This bill is an ambitious and broad piece of legislation covering a wide range of issues.
“It aims to help develop a cleaner, smarter and more accessible system for the travelling public across Scotland.
“The bill will empower local transport authorities and others to help improve journeys for the travelling public.”
Scottish Conservative MSP Jamie Greene, however, argued the proposals do not go far enough.
He said: “This bill overall tinkers with existing legislation and proposes fairly benign new powers as it’s currently drafted.
“It’s all very necessary perhaps but it doesn’t exactly push the limits of policy imagination.”
The Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee noted last month that a result of LEZs motorists and businesses may face a financial burden in having to upgrade or replace vehicles to meet emissions standards, and this could be a particular challenge to those on lower incomes.