Under-18s will not be sent to jail from September

Under-18s will not be sent to jail from September

Under-18s will no longer be kept in young offenders institutions from the week beginning 2 September, the Scottish government has confirmed.

The announcement comes in the wake of the death of Jonathan Beadle in Polmont Young Offenders Institution on Saturday 13 July.

Jonathan is understood to have taken his own life in prison.

He had been convicted after pleading guilty to a charge of acting in a disorderly manner and having weapons with intent to “assault and murder” a 16-year-old girl.

Victims minister Siobhian Brown confirmed no more 16- and 17-year-olds will be sent to Polmont and those already detained there will be moved to child-friendly secure settings.

There are currently seven under-18s in the prison.

A fatal accident inquiry will be held into Jonathan’s death in due course.

Ms Brown said: “Plans are moving at pace to ensure commencement of these provisions as soon as possible and no later than during the week of 2 September, the week of parliament’s return from summer recess.

“There is also ongoing engagement with partners, including the Scottish Prison Service and secure care providers, to enable the transfer of those currently in Polmont in line with commencement of the provisions.”

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