Union crowdfunds to defend judgment granting employment rights to foster carers

Union crowdfunds to defend judgment granting employment rights to foster carers

The Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB) has launched a crowdfunding campaign today to raise £20,000 to defend a landmark judgment granting employment rights to a type of specialist foster care workers.

Glasgow County Council is appealing an employment tribunal decision from 2017 that granted foster care workers Jimmy and Christine Johnstone employee rights, including sick pay, holiday pay and a guaranteed minimum wage. The appeal will be heard on 22 and 23 October at the Employment Appeal Tribunal.

Mr Johnstone said: “We were not prepared for the way the council treated us and were thrilled when the initial judgment came out.

“The council has disappointingly decided to appeal instead of doing the right thing and granting basic rights for all of its foster carers. We will continue to fight for justice until the very end, not only for us but for all carers.”

The Johnstones will be represented by Aidan O’Neill QC, instructed by Balfour and Manson.

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