Video link system could streamline Aberdeen Sheriff Court

A video link system could be a huge boon to Aberdeen Sheriff Court, saving it money and time, Scotland’s chief inspector of prisons has said.
Wendy Sinclair-Gieben thinks such a system would improve safety at the court and reduce the costs and time associated with holding trials.
She said: “Travelling back and forth from Peterhead and waiting at the prison can take nearly seven hours, all for what is sometimes a 10-minute court appearance.
“A lot of time could be saved with prisoners appearing for court via a video link, and it’s not as expensive as ferrying people to and from the court building.
“I’m not sure why the system isn’t used more widely, there certainly seems to be reluctance. Some think it is important for people to be represented in person.”
Her comments come in the wake of a report damning the conditions at Aberdeen Sheriff Court’s custody unit.
Inspectors raised concerns about narrow corridors as well as a lack of provision for non-English speakers.
Ms Sinclair-Gieben said: “These problems were specific to Aberdeen.
“The bathrooms were the biggest issue – it was unacceptable the level of inappropriate conditions those on the unit were forced to use.
“All of the issues highlighted in the inspection report could easily be rectified by the use of more video links.”
A Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service spokesman said: “There is an existing project in place managing the roll-out of the equipment required for VC links – from courts to prisons – and that option is now available in 33 of the 39 sheriff courts, including Aberdeen.
“We will be working with the Scottish Prison Service to gradually expand the range of hearings.”