Watch: Ice Cream Wars part two

Watch: Ice Cream Wars part two

The second episode of The Ice Cream Wars tells the inside story behind the investigation, trial and convictions that would lead to a 20 year battle for justice that gripped Scotland.

The summer of 1984 saw a criminal investigation following an arson attack which killed six completely innocent members of the Doyle family. The police’s efforts to find those responsible would lead to one of the biggest trials in Scottish history, with seven men in the dock.

In the end, just two – Thomas Campbell and Joe Steele – would be convicted of murder, despite doubts over the strength of the evidence against them.

The next decade would see one of the most dramatic campaigns for justice in history as both men fought to keep their case in the public eye. In 1996, after hunger strikes and three prison escapes, Joe Steele and Thomas Campbell were released on bail, pending appeal.

However, their high profile appeal would fail, seeing Campbell and Steele return to prison.

As The Ice Cream Wars highlights, the formation of a new criminal commission and revelations of new expert evidence would change the outcome of this famous criminal case forever. In 2004, 20 years after they were convicted, Thomas Campbell and Joe Steele were released from prison with their conviction declared a miscarriage of justice.

However, to this day, no one has been convicted of the murder of the Doyle family.

Along with Joe Steele, one of the men jailed for the murders of the Doyle family, contributors include Archie McDougall, manager of one of Glasgow’s biggest ice cream businesses; writer & campaigner Douglas Skelton; crime author Denise Mina; and lawyers John Carroll and Aamer Anwar, amongst others.

Episode two will be broadcast on BBC One Scotland tonight, 9.00-10.00pm

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