Which Acts should come under Holyrood scrutiny?

A Holyrood committee is asking for views on which acts should come under its scrutiny.Since the opening of the Scottish Parliament in 1999, hundreds of acts have been introduced in Scotland. These put in place a range of laws covering community care and mental health acts, criminal justice, standards in schools and even a dog fouling act to keep our public spaces clean.

A total of 260 new acts have come into force over the past 18 years.

Now the Public Audit and Post-legislative Scrutiny Committee is asking which ones should be put to the test.

The committee wants respondents to consider questions including:

  • Do you think the act is working in practice?
  • Is it of particular importance to the people of Scotland?
  • Does it make a big difference to people’s lives, such as vulnerable and hard to reach groups, or could it be improved?
  • To submit your views, or to find out more, click here.

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