Why Some Lawyers Still Don’t Choose (or Use) Case Management Software

Why Some Lawyers Still Don’t Choose (or Use) Case Management Software

Try this exercise: add up the time you spend on a typical day hunting files, using the software to locate misfiled information, creating filing and calendaring systems, and sorting through the clutter on your desk . For example, a typical person spends sixteen minutes each day looking for missing items. Multiply it by the number of days you work every year. Multiply it by your hourly charging rate. Think about that amount.

Lawyers devote an excessive quantity of time to collecting data and administrative tasks. And, if time is money, lawyers should look for ways to streamline the amount of time they spend doing nothing.

You certainly would be first in line to sign up for something if it allowed you and the other staff at your law firm to always have access to your files, organise your client information, cut down on paper and clutter, speed up the intake and retrieval of information, generate reports that provide you with useful information about your practice, and always have information at your fingertips. All of these possible advantages, plus others, can be accessed with case management software.

Despite many years of seminars and consultants, many lawyers and legal firms have yet to implement these practice management and case management systems.

Here are some reason why some lawyers don’t use Legal Case Management Software.

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