Women in Law Scotland seeks views on refresh ahead of relaunch

Women in Law Scotland seeks views on refresh ahead of relaunch

Women in Law Scotland is looking for views on its future ahead of a relaunch.

The group, established in 2015, is a network aimed at Scots solicitors, advocates, paralegals and others, to promote gender equality in Scottish legal profession.

From 2015 until the onset of the pandemic in March 2020, it offered a forum for networking, sharing ideas and best practice, with regular in-person events.

The committee is keen to refresh its ranks, and encourages those with an interest in the achievement of gender equality in the profession to contribute to the group’s future.

To help achieve this, Women in Law Scotland is inviting responses to its survey on the future direction of the group and what the legal profession currently needs from it. The survey will be live until Friday 30 June 2023 and can be completed here.

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