World premiere part for clarinet-playing advocate

David Hay

A love of music has taken a member of the Faculty of Advocates to a performance in a world premiere and a slot on national radio.

David Hay plays with the Amicus Orchestra, a chamber ensemble based in Central Scotland which aims to bridge the gap between amateur and professional musicians.

The orchestra, with Mr Hay on 1st clarinet, took part in the first performance of an arrangement of Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto for flute by Katherine Bryan, principal flute with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra.

The concert, in St Andrew’s in the Square, Glasgow, was recorded by BBC Radio Scotland and will feature in its entirety on Jamie MacDougall’s Classics Unwrapped on Sunday (20 November) at 9pm.

“It was a richly rewarding – and nerve-racking! – experience to be performing with such a great player beneath microphones” said Mr Hay.

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