An ex-music teacher who was convicted of historic sex crimes against his former students has had an appeal against conviction and sentence refused. William Wright appealed against a ...
Mitchell Skilling
A short-term prisoner who was refused early release under Home Detention Curfew (HDC) under the Prisoners and Criminal Proceedings (Scotland) Act 1993 has had his petition against the decision ...
A man who was found carrying a machete in a Cambuslang woodland has had his appeal against conviction for carrying an offensive weapon in public without a ...
A landlord who failed to pay a tenancy deposit into an approved deposit scheme until four years into the tenancy has been unsuccessful in challenging a payment ...
A couple who claimed their company’s solicitor had been negligent in his conduct during a purchase transaction have failed to establish negligence. Sajjad and Rumella Soofi brought an ...
A woman who appealed the granting of a contact order on the grounds that the sheriff had not ascribed appropriate weight to child evidence in light of ...
The mother of a child with selective mutism has been unsuccessful in establishing that it would be in the child’s best interests to relocate to her native ...
The Upper Tribunal for Scotland has ruled that the existence of a repairing standard enforcement order did not prevent a trust from having the requisite intention to ...
The proprietors of a Glasgow flat who discovered that the property was in need of significant repairs following the date of entry, contrary to what the building’s ...
A woman who disponed her property to her daughter and her husband was unable to have the disposition reduced on the ground of undue influence as the ...
The sentence of a man convicted of breaking into a British Army building and stealing dummy rifles as well as possessing a prohibited firearm under the Firearms ...
A Reporter for the Scottish Ministers was found to have erred in law by accepting without question the findings of the planning authority regarding the quantity of ...