Case Reports

1546-1560 of 2313 Articles
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A Scottish bus driver facing extradition to Dubai to serve a sentence of 12 months’ imprisonment following his conviction of crimes of dishonesty has successfully challenged a bid to remove him to the United Arab Emirates after he argued that his human rights would be breached. Garnet Black, 64, f

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The written answers submitted at a professional examination and any comments of the examiner with respect to those answers constitute a candidate’s personal data to which he has, in principle, a right of access, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has ruled. To give a candidate that

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A decision may not be adopted to expel a third-country national who is a long-term resident for the sole reason that he or she has been sentenced to a term of imprisonment of more than one year, the Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled. A Colombian national, who was granted a long-term r

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A motorist who was found guilty of driving while using a mobile phone after he was seen by two police officers has had an appeal against his conviction rejected. The appellant claimed that the evidence of two police witnesses was “insufficient” to prove that an offence had been committed, but th

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A scaffolder who was sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment after pleading guilty to having a kitchen knife in his car which was found following a police search has successfully appealed against his sentence. A sheriff had rejected the accused’s plea in mitigation that the knife was used as “wor

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A supplier of luxury goods can prohibit its authorised distributors from selling those goods on a third-party internet platform such as Amazon and this does not, in principle, go beyond what is necessary to preserve the luxury image of the goods. Coty Germany sells luxury cosmetic goods in Germany.

1546-1560 of 2313 Articles