Case Reports

1771-1785 of 2312 Articles
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The family of a Turkish businessman who was granted indefinite leave to remain in the UK have successfully challenged a decision by the Home Secretary to refuse their applications to stay in the country. A judge in the Court of Session ruled that the Secretary of State for the Home Department was wr

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A woman who was left permanently disabled after sustaining a “profound and irreversible” brain injury during her birth has had an appeal to amend her claim against a health board refused. A judge had refused to allow a minute of amendment after proof but before issuing his judgment on the merits

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The man convicted of the murder of school girl Paige Doherty has had his sentence reduced following an appeal after claiming that the punishment part imposed was “excessive”. John Leathem was sentenced to life imprisonment with a punishment part of 27 years after pleading guilty to the murder of

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A father and son found guilty of attempted murder who claimed there was “insufficient evidence” to prove that they each participated in the assault have failed in an appeal against their convictions. The Criminal Appeal Court refused the appeal after rejecting the argument that the trial judge w

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The owners of the “Tartan Army” trade mark have failed in a legal bid to prevent another company using the name without its permission. Tartan Army Limited claimed that Alba Football Fans Limited was infringing its rights in terms of section 10 of the Trade Marks Act 1994 and EU Trade Mark Regul

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A Scottish local authority has been granted a court order to bury the mummified remains of a couple who died decades ago. Hilda Marcel and her husband Eugenios Marcel died in 1987 and 1994 respectively, but their son Melvyn Marcel delayed their burial and stored their bodies until he could build a m

1771-1785 of 2312 Articles