Case Reports

901-915 of 2313 Articles
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A patent infringement appeal brought against the UK branch of the telecommunications company Huawei has been dismissed by the UK Supreme Court after the company challenged the decision by the English Court of Appeal to uphold the trial judge’s order. Unwired Planet International Ltd, the respo

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A Chinese citizen who claimed to be at risk of persecution in China because of his practise of the banned Falun Gong religion has lost his appeal against a decision by the Home Secretary to treat his further submissions as a fresh claim. Zuo Hui Xie raised a petition for judicial review of the decis

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A teenager who was sentenced to four years’ imprisonment after committing an assault with a knife has had his sentence reduced by eight months on appeal.  The appellant, known as JB, argued that the original sentence of six years’ imprisonment, discounted to four years on account of

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The mother and legal guardian of a man with Down’s Syndrome has been unsuccessful in her challenge of a decision of Glasgow City Council that he must pay a contribution to the costs of services provided to him.  Terri McCue, the guardian of Andrew McCue, originally sought judicial review

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Four crofting townships near Stornoway have had their appeal against decisions by the Crofting Commission to refuse to approve their proposals for of the installation of community-owned wind farms on their grazing refused. In the special case stated by the Scottish Land Court, crofters having rights

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A Scottish man who was injured in a quad bike accident while on holiday in Greece has been unsuccessful in obtaining damages in relation to his injuries. Keith Fitzsimmons claimed he was injured when the quad bike came into contact with a tanker whilst on the road. As the driver could not be located

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The Outer House of the Court of Session has allowed a proof to determine the true creditors of the incorporated joint venture responsible for the construction of the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route in an action of multiplepoinding raised at the instance of the joint venture. Of the original 18 def

901-915 of 2313 Articles