Case Reports

1156-1170 of 2313 Articles
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Members of a Christian pro-life campaign group have had a legal challenge against a local authority’s decision to impose a “safe zone” banning protests around an abortion clinic dismissed. It was argued that the council did not have the power to make a “Public Spaces Protecti

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A motorist found guilty of “dangerous driving” after overtaking a camper van before slamming on the brakes and forcing the other driver to perform an “emergency stop” has failed in an appeal against his conviction. Mark McLaughlin claimed that the sheriff had erred in ho

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An ex-music teacher who was convicted of historic sex crimes against his former students has had an appeal against conviction and sentence refused. William Wright appealed against a conviction for indecent assault at the Appeal Court of the High Court of Justiciary, sitting in Glasgow.

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A man who was found carrying a machete in a Cambuslang woodland has had his appeal against conviction for carrying an offensive weapon in public without a reasonable excuse refused. Christopher McCormick appealed against a conviction of carrying an offensive weapon under the Criminal Law (

1156-1170 of 2313 Articles