Case Reports

1291-1305 of 2313 Articles
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A family dairy company and a housebuilder who challenged a Scottish local authority’s refusal to grant planning permission for a new housing development on green belt land have successfully appealed against the decision. The Inner House of the Court of Session allowed the appeal by&n

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A Scottish solicitor who failed to progress a case on behalf of a client who was suing his former employer has been fined £7,500. Quinton Muir, 51, was found guilty of “professional misconduct” by the Scottish Solicitors’ Discipline Tribunal (SSDT) over his failure

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A Scots lawyer convicted of embezzling more than £20,000 of clients’ money has been struck off the solicitors’ roll by the Scottish Solicitors’ Discipline Tribunal (SSDT). Paul O'Donnell, of Glasgow, pleaded guilty at Edinburgh Sheriff Court in April 2016 to em

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A teenager who was sentenced to 18 months’ detention after being convicted of assault has had his custodial sentence quashed following an appeal. The High Court of Justiciary Appeal Court imposed a community payback order (CPO) after ruling that the sheriff erred in his approach to s

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A pursuer’s offer cannot be lodged and given effect to in the Inner House of the Court of Session, appeal judges have ruled. The First Division held that, while the chapter 34A of the Rules of the Court of Session did not expressly exclude pursuers’ offers, the language of the rules

1291-1305 of 2313 Articles