
136-150 of 777 Articles
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"A" Company of the 4th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers (9th Brigade, 3rd Division) on 22 August, 1914, resting in the square at Mons, Belgium, the day before the Battle of Mons. Minutes after this photo was taken the company moved into position at Nimy on the bank of the Mons-Condé Canal. Lord Mul

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A new corporate criminal offence of failure to prevent fraud and sweeping reforms of how criminal liability is attributed to companies are due to come into force after the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act received royal assent. Once official compliance guidance is published, &ldquo

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Ronnie Clancy KC writes about a sensational murder trial stemming from a toxic political rivalry and scurrilous journalism that took place in the High Court in Edinburgh 200 years ago, the full version of which appears on his blog Read me my Rights. The accused was the survivor of a duel betwee

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Karen Cornwell analyses a case revolving around the scope of advice solicitors give to their clients. In the recent case of Ronnie O’Neill Freight Solutions v Macroberts LLP, the burning query for the court was to what extent must a solicitor, when advising a client involved in a contentious s

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As the youngest of seven children and growing up in Aberdeenshire, home life was a bit disorganised and my schooling suffered, but I had been interested in law from an early age and had tailored my subjects to what I thought would be needed to study law at university. Money was tight and I worked in

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Robert Shiels reviews the latest book on the murders that terrified Glasgow in the sixties. After the early short study by Charles Stoddart, who passed away last week, Bible John: Search for a Sadist (1980), there have been at least four or more books, in the last 20 years, specifically on a we

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Is an employer liable for “grooming” carried out by a work experience student during and following a placement? Dawn Robertson looks at a recent English case. Employers are, generally speaking, legally responsible for the wrongful, whether negligent or deliberate, actions of their employ

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Digby Brown has succeeded in challenging a defender’s argument to have Qualified One-Way Cost Shifting (QOCS) disapplied following the alleged ‘constructive abandonment’ of the pursuer’s claim against the first defender, writes Elise Camilleri-Brennan. The pursuer, a sel

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Hamish Lean provides an update on the rural property market. The Scottish Land Commission has recently published the Rural Land Market Insights Report 2023, which provides an in-depth analysis of the landowner and buyer motivations over the 2023 period whilst also giving insight into emerging rural

136-150 of 777 Articles