
15316-15330 of 25342 Articles
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The Edinburgh Tax Network, in conjunction with Terra Firma Chambers, will present a seminar entitled “HMRC Representations, Guidance & Legitimate Expectations” on Thursday 28th February 2019 at the Mackenzie Building, Old Assembly Close, Edinburgh. The speaker will be Derek Francis,

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The Scotsman has published a full obituary of David Sellar, former Lord Lyon King of Arms who passed away on 26 January at the age of 78. "David Sellar was the gently urbane academic and author who as Lord Lyon became Scotland’s greatest officer of state. Clad in tabard of office, he cut a maj

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Female barristers are leaving the profession because of a failure to prevent bullying by judges, lawyers have claimed. The head of the criminal bar has highlighted incidents of judges belittling women advocates and attributes this to the judges being men, The Times reports.

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Thursday, 28 February 2019 The Scottish Young Lawyers' Association (SYLA) is delighted to welcome a team from the UK Supreme Court to speak to members on what life is like working as a judicial assistant to the Justices of the UKSC.

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A courthouse was evacuated after a lawyer showed up with an "abundance" of bed bugs falling out of his suit. The alarm was raised after someone in the courthouse said she could see "something crawling on his neck".

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The head of Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) has warned bureau managers of job losses in the wake of a £600,000 legal aid board funding cut. CAS chief executive Derek Mitchell said the proposed cut would lead to the loss of at least 25 staff in 15 bureaux across the country and thought the actua

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On appeal from the Court of Appeal Civil Division (England and Wales) Do the courts of England and Wales have the power to stay an application for maintenance pursuant to section 27 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 on the grounds of forum non conveniens when divorce proceedings are taking place in

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Via UofG Moot: It was an all-Glasgow University final at the Lord Jones Moot Competition 2019 at Dundee University on Saturday – congratulations are due to Dylan and Ryan on their victory, and well done to Jasmine and Alistair for running them close! Kate Scarborough, of the Dundee Mooting Soc

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The Scottish Young Lawyers' Association welcomes attendees to its Criminal Day Conference 2019, which will take place on Saturday 23rd February at 200 SVS, 200 Saint Vincent Street, Glasgow. Now in its thirteenth year, the conference is one of the highlights of the SYLA’s calendar, attracting

15316-15330 of 25342 Articles