
17026-17040 of 25342 Articles
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President Donald Trump has nominated Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court, describing him as a "brilliant jurist". Mr Kavanaugh, a District of Columbia appeals court judge, formerly advised ex-President, George W Bush.

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Two associates at Inverness-based Innes & Mackay have been promoted to the role of director. Sarah Lilley trained in Aberdeen and qualified as a solicitor in 2008. She practised family law in Edinburgh for four years before moving to Inverness and joining Innes & Mackay in July 2012. Sh

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Amy Entwistle explores the details of recently enacted community empowerment provisions. Last month saw reports of the completion of the transfer to the North West Mull Community Woodland Company of the Island of Ulva.  North West Mull Community Woodland Company is a Community Body (more below)

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A new paper proposes using a Roman remedy to give victims of revenge porn redress in the civil sphere. Jonathan Brown, a law lecturer at Robert Gordon University, suggests that revenge porn should be actionable as iniuria in Scots law.

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A multi-track qualification scheme could be introduced at the English bar as early as next September, The Brief reports.The scheme is reportedly being considered as a key measure in widening social access and reducing the cost of becoming a barrister.Proposals under consideration by the&nb

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The week of the 70th birthday of the NHS saw a timely discussion between the medical and legal professions on holding doctors to account. The event was staged by the Faculty of Advocates and featured two members, Clare Connelly and Vinit Khurana, with Dr Rob Hendry, medical director of the Medical P

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A French court has decreed that its famous national motto, “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité”, can be used as a defence in court. The Constitutional Council said on Friday that a farmer who smuggled migrants into the country was not guilty of a crime as he acted o

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The latest edition of the Scottish Civil Justice Council's newsletter has been published, detailing changes in committees' membership as well as ongoing work. Yvonne MacDermid has been appointed to the Costs and Funding Committee for a further period of three years from 06 July 2018.

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After calling for reforms to put consumer protection at the centre of its regulatory framework, the Law Society of Scotland has expressed its support for Scottish government’s plans to establish a single consumer body for Scotland. Business minister Jamie Hepburn MSP announced plans to set up

17026-17040 of 25342 Articles