
17596-17610 of 25342 Articles
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A report published by Privacy International (PI) has identified "alarming weaknesses" in the oversight arrangements intended to govern the sharing of intelligence between state intelligence agencies. 'Secret Global Surveillance Networks: Intelligence Sharing Between Governments and the Need for Safe

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Naruto A federal appeals court in San Francisco has ruled that a monkey does not have legal standing to lodge a copyright claim against a nature photographer because he is not a person.

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Legal affairs minister Annabelle Ewing has been challenged to invite representatives of the Irish community in Scotland to help draw up a legal definition of sectarianism as the Offensive Behaviour Act's repeal comes into effect. Ms Ewing has appointed Professor Duncan Morrow to lead an independent

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Pictured (L-R): Kirsten Will (development manager at Friends of ANCHOR), Carol Crowther (partner and chair of Stronachs’ Social & Charities Committee), Colin Slessor, and Liane Munro (senior leasing adviser at Stronachs)

17596-17610 of 25342 Articles