
18466-18480 of 25168 Articles
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The European Court of Human Rights will hear a landmark case on surveillance today as part of a challenge to the lawfulness of the UK’s surveillance laws and its intelligence agencies’ mass surveillance practices. The case, described by campaigners as a “watershed moment for people’s privacy

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Paul Wheelhouse Crown Estate Scotland – the body that manages leasing of the seabed – is to start discussions with industry, government and interested organisations to prepare for potential new offshore wind leasing.

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The Police Investigations & Review Commissioner (PIRC) has found a number of failings and made recommendations in the way police dealt with a vulnerable 50-year-old woman before she was murdered by her brother. Elizabeth Bowe was known to Police Scotland and had been extensively recorded on thei

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Legislation to provide gay men convicted under historical discriminatory laws with an automatic pardon has been published. The Historical Sexual Offences (Pardons and Disregards) Bill will also enable men to apply to have convictions for same-sex sexual activity that is now legal removed from centra

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Maria Botha-Lopez Three bedroom properties in the south-west suburbs of Edinburgh have shown some of the highest increases in average selling prices, which could be attributed to pressures caused by a shortage of properties on family homes in Edinburgh.

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Pictured (L-R): Jimmy Carr, Kelly McEwan, business development manager of McEwan Fraser LegalMichael Stoop, deputy chairman of the Property Ombudsman and Grant Leonard, joint managing director of Property Drum Ltd.

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The Law Society of Scotland has said the decline in the legal aid budget is a "major concern". Responding to the publication of the Scottish Legal Aid Board’s (SLAB) annual report 2017, which shows a further overall drop in legal aid spending from £137.8 million to £135.7 million, Graham Matthew

18466-18480 of 25168 Articles