
18631-18645 of 25168 Articles
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The courts have identified an incompatibility with the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) in the current disclosure regime, which a proposed law seeks to fix. This proposed change fixes a previous amendment to the disclosure regime made in 2015.

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Kate Frame The Police Investigations & Review Commissioner (PIRC) has said important lessons must be learned after a man’s body was found inside his van by police three days after they were first informed the vehicle was parked in a lay-by.

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Roseanna Cunningham A consultation on protecting wild mammals in Scotland has been announced by Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham. It follows a review of the operation of the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002, which was undertaken by Lord Bonomy in 2016.

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Perthshire firm Macnabs has raised more than £10,000 for charity this year after taking part in a will-writing campaign in which lawyers generously give up their time for free to write wills for local people in exchange for a donation.Macnabs raised £10,795 this year in the month-long fundraiser

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There is no obligation on a state signatory to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) to allow a foreign national to enter its country to visit family members, appeal judges have ruled. The decision by the Court of Appeal in London came following an application by a Pakistani man who was see

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A prize highlighting innovative practices aimed at improving the efficiency and quality of judicial systems will be awarded in Edinburgh this month. The European “Crystal Scales of Justice Prize” will be conferred by a jury composed of justice professionals to one of four projects shortlisted fr

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A 26-year-old who carried out a campaign of harassment against a man and his wife has been sentenced to 11 months in prison and given a five-year non-harassment order. Ashley Boyd, who had been employed as a police officer, admitted a charge of stalking, and admitted attempting to pervert the course

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The Scottish government has launched a consultation on revisions to the code of conduct for property factors. The code was brought in under the Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011, which established a statutory regime for protecting homeowners who use factors. It provides minimum standards for regi

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The Constitutional Court of Spain has ruled that the Catalan Parliament may not convene on Monday for a session where a unilateral declaration of independence could be made. The court upheld a challenge from the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE), one of Spain's two major political parties and a

18631-18645 of 25168 Articles