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Rules coming into effect in September will make new provisions for case management, and pre-proof hearings in Court of Session family actions. The new rules, announced today by the Scottish Civil Justice Council, make provision for a case management hearing which must be fixed when defences are lodg

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Axiom Advocates is delighted to welcome two new members, David Welsh, the recipient of the Lord Reid Scholar 2016-2017, and Kirsty Tyre.

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Cybersecurity risks can be particularly severe for solicitors – but simple steps will help to reduce the risk of cyber attacks, according to a new guide published by the Law Society of Scotland. The Law Society’s Guide to Cybersecurity sets out key risk areas, the potential impact and consequenc

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An e-cigarette company whose trade mark was declared “invalid” because it was similar to that of a rival brand with a previously registered trade mark has had an appeal against the decision dismissed by a judge in the Court of Session. The case of CCHG Limited t/a Vapourized v Vapouriz Limited i

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This week the Inner House of the Court of Session ruled on a case concerning Relevant Person status in the Children’s Hearings System. Clan Childlaw represented a 14-year-old girl who had initiated proceedings by requesting a pre-hearing panel to remove Relevant Person status from both her materna

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The Scottish Sentencing Council has produced a series of videos explaining how judges decide sentences as well as which sentences are available in Scotland. The resource follows the court case of "Jack" who has caused alarm in a nightclub and assaulted the steward.

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Lord Neuberger has explored the different approach adopted by the courts towards former spouses on one hand and former cohabitees on the other in a lecture given by the President of the Supreme Court to the family law ‘At a Glance’ conference held in London towards the end of last month. Lord Ne

19111-19125 of 25158 Articles