
19486-19500 of 25158 Articles
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The Royal Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow has announced that Janet Blackstock will be taking over as Royal Faculty Auditor from Tom McCafferty on his retiral on 3 July 2017. Ms Blackstock brings a wealth of experience to the office of Royal Faculty Auditor having been appointed as sheriff clerk an

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Straight in at No 1 are Siouxsie and the Banshees – no, it’s not a throwback to the era of punk, but a quizzing success for a Faculty of Advocates-dominated team!Skipper Susanne Tanner QC, hand-picked her former Crown Office colleagues, Douglas Fairley QC, and Summary Sheriff Peter McCormack, a

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A woman facing an action for payment of more than £170,000 following a “gratuitous alienation” who claimed that the statutory defences available to a challenge to such a transfer breached her human rights has had her defence dismissed. The case raised the issue of whether the terms of section 3

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Stephen Gold As someone brought up with very little money, whose life has been enhanced beyond measure by education, news of further decline in the literacy and numeracy of Scotland’s children feels very personal to me. But at least social attitudes have much improved since I was a child.

19486-19500 of 25158 Articles