
19831-19845 of 24943 Articles
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The owners of the “Tartan Army” trade mark have failed in a legal bid to prevent another company using the name without its permission. Tartan Army Limited claimed that Alba Football Fans Limited was infringing its rights in terms of section 10 of the Trade Marks Act 1994 and EU Trade Mark Regul

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Ministry of Justice (MoJ) plans to impose cuts of up to £30 million on criminal defence solicitors have been condemned today by the Law Society. The cuts come less than a month after the MoJ published proposals that will see QCs' fees rise by 10 per cent "at the expense of other criminal advocates"

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Why a rugby ace’s mysterious retirement offers valuable lessons for holding on to business prize assets, writes Graham Millar.Johan Goosen announced his immediate retirement from rugby (aged just 24) and is now listed as a commercial director in his native South Africa.Rumour has it he wanted a mo

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Angela Constance The Child Poverty (Scotland) Bill has been published today and will see Scotland become the only part of the UK with statutory targets in a bid to reduce the number of children experiencing the damaging effects of poverty by 2030.

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The UK government will move ahead with plans to allow people accused of petty crimes to plead guilty and be sentenced online. A Ministry of Justice (MoJ) report has recommended the system, which is voluntary, be trialled with non-custodial sentences, including railway fare evasion.

19831-19845 of 24943 Articles