
20041-20055 of 24943 Articles
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The European Commission has proposed legislation to bring rules for all electronic communication providers in line with the ePrivacy Directive and the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). A key proposal in the Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communications extends privacy rules to ne

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A man indicted in Florida for first degree murder and attempted robbery with a firearm whom the US authorities have been seeking to extradite since 2003 has made a second, article 3, application to the European Court of Human Rights complaining that a first-degree murder conviction in the US carries

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Kaley Crossthwaite The total value of reported fraud in 2016 hit a five-year high, increasing 31.5 per cent to £2 billion, according to new analysis by accountancy and business advisory firm BDO LLP.

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The so-called "Indycampers" have been refused permission to appeal to the UK Supreme Court after being evicted from the grounds of the Scottish Parliament last November. The group established a camp outside Holyrood at the end of 2015, vowing to remain until Scotland became independent.

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The Tayside property market has picked up with a strong final quarter following reduced confidence in the wake of the Brexit vote. The Tayside Solicitors Property Centre (TSPC) in Dundee reported annual sales amounting to £397 million – with the average property price for last year dropping 0.6 p

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A businessman is suing a Scots lawyer over the solicitor’s allegedly “negligent” advice in the purchase of a petrol station and car wash. A judge in the Court of Session allowed a proof in the action by Sajjad Soofi against Jeffrey Dykes of Glasgow solicitors’ firm Dykes, Glass and Co, over

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A Canadian judge who wore a Donald Trump "Make America Great Again" cap in his courtroom the day after Trump's election victory has been removed from the bench.Justice Bernd Zabel of the Ontario Court of Justice received flak for wearing the pro-Trump hat in court on 9 November last year, with a num

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Neil Stevenson In December 2016, the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission (SLCC) was successful in defending three “leave to appeal” cases in the Inner House of the Court Session. The cases related to three complaints made to the SLCC, raised by two different complainers.

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The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) will be delivering a Grand Chamber judgment in the case of Hutchinson v the United Kingdom on 17 January 2017 in a case concerning the complaint by a man serving a whole life sentence for murder that his sentence amounts to inhuman and degrading treatment a

20041-20055 of 24943 Articles