
20971-20985 of 24943 Articles
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Maya Foa The family of an 81-year-old British journalist fear he could die in a Bangladeshi prison from ill health within months if he is not released. Shafik Rehman, who used to work for the BBC, has now spent four months detained without charge.

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The Inspectorate of Prosecution in Scotland has today published a thematic report on fatal accident inquiries (FAIs). In recent years, the length of time taken between the date of death and the start of an FAI has attracted considerable criticism. This inspection sought to identify reasons for such

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Plans to plug a gap in provisions on cross-border powers of arrest have been backed by the Faculty of Advocates. Current legislation allows people suspected of an offence in one part of the UK to be arrested in another part. They can be detained without warrant by police from the jurisdiction where

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The Orange Order has called a bottled water company’s decision to drop a campaign called “Orange and Proud” in Scotland and Ireland “bizarre”. Volvic’s advertising board campaign will only appear in England and Wales over worries it might offend Catholics and give the impression the comp

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Pictured: back from left – Scott Milne, joint managing partner; Lauren Fettes; Lynne Macintyre; Robin Dunlop; Craig Nicol. Front from left – Lynne Sturrock; Graham Lambert; Anne Miller

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Fergus Ewing A consultation on proposals to amend legislation so that specified forms of electrofishing would be permitted for catching razor clams has been launched.

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Chris Keates A trio of teachers have launched a legal case to block their transfers to different schools, on the basis of their contracts' mobility clauses, in a case that could make it more difficult for councils to move underperforming teachers in the future, The Herald reports.

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Aileen Campbell New statistics released today show that in 2015 there were more drug-related deaths recorded than ever before, at 93, 15 per cent higher than in 2014 and more than double the figure for 2005 (336).

20971-20985 of 24943 Articles