
21331-21345 of 24943 Articles
Clock icon 3 minutes

Cori Crider The UK government has spent over £600,000 on lawyers in an attempt to stop a torture case being heard in court, documents obtained by human rights group Reprieve have revealed – even though the victims bringing the case have offered to settle for an apology and a token payment of one

Clock icon 2 minutes

My first realisation that Britain was in the grip of gin mania came via my fashionable young niece. Then signs announcing the arrival of 'Gin Bars' began to sprout everywhere – including one near my home in the leafy West End of Dundee. And so, it was to this establishment that I repaired to revie

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Professor Stephen Tierney Following the victory for Leave in the EU referendum, Professor Stephen Tierney sets out the next steps in the constitutional process.

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The Faculty of Advocates has expressed reservations over a scheme to introduce “no blame” compensation for harm resulting from clinical treatment. The Scottish government says it is committed to ending the “blame culture” that exists around claims for medical negligence and its draft proposa

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Scots lawyers have commented on the implications of the UK's historic decision to leave the European Union. Andrew Scott, professor of European Union studies at the University of Edinburgh told Scottish Legal News that the Prime Minister is under no legal requirement to trigger Article 50 TEU at thi

21331-21345 of 24943 Articles