
21796-21810 of 24822 Articles
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Summary sheriffs will sit in Scotland’s sheriff courts for the first time today as part of reforms to the Scottish court system. The post of summary sheriff, which was established by the Courts Reform (Scotland) Act 2014, was created to ensure that cases in Scotland’s courts are heard at the app

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Videos giving information on criminal, civil and children’s legal aid are now available on the Scottish Legal Aid Board’s website in British Sign Language (BSL). The translated videos produced by Deaf Action correspond to information available in printed leaflets and on the website.

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The Law Society of Scotland is seeking feedback from law students, trainees and new lawyers on the support and services provided for trainee solicitors in Scotland and how they could be improved. The results of the survey, which will close on Wednesday 13 April, will help to shape the society’s ed

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The Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 2016 (LBTT(A)(S)A 2016) was granted Royal Assent on 23 March 2016. Introduced tomorrow, an additional amount of Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT), known as the Additional Dwelling Supplement ("the ADS"), is due on the purchase

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Dame Lowell Goddard Dame Lowell Goddard, chair of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (England and Wales) delivered this year’s Macfadyen Lecture entitled “Making Rights Real: the developing role of human rights in the exercise of public law discretion”.

21796-21810 of 24822 Articles