
22036-22050 of 24812 Articles
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Frank Mulholland QC The Crown Office has been accused of failing to act properly over a complaint it received over claims that inaccurate evidence given by a police sergeant resulted in the conviction of two football fans.

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The Scotland Bill will give MSPs the power to deal with pavement parking after the UK government tabled amendments to the bill to clarify Holyrood’s competence in this area. Earlier this month the Local Government and Regeneration Committee hailed the legislation, introduced by Sandra White MSP.

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Mechtild Rössler UNESCO has called on the UK government to demand changes to Edinburgh’s planning system in order to preserve the Old and New Towns, two of six UNESCO sites in Scotland.

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Male and ethnic minority barristers are more likely to receive complaints according to a report published by the bar’s regulator this week. The Bar Standards Board (BSB) studied complaint patterns between 2012 and 2014, finding that female barristers were significantly less likely to face complain

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Salil Shetty International protection of human rights is in danger of unravelling as short-term national self-interest and draconian security crackdowns have led to a wholesale assault on basic freedoms and rights, warned Amnesty International as it launched its annual assessment of human rights aro

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Aileen McLeod Environment minister Aileen McLeod has accepted recommendations from the wildlife crime penalties review group to introduce new maximum penalties for those who commit crimes against wildlife.

22036-22050 of 24812 Articles