
22171-22185 of 24812 Articles
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Scotland’s first summary sheriffs have been appointed as part of the major modernisation of the court system. The Courts Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 created a new judicial office of summary sheriff to deal with some types of civil and criminal cases in the sheriff court. The move is part of the gov

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Neil Stevenson The Scottish Legal Complaints Commission (SLCC) has welcomed the outcomes of two Court of Session cases – the first in connection with an appeal against its decision to reject a complaint for investigation and a second which highlighted the importance of making an appeal against a d

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Legislation which aims to provide a modern framework for burials and cremations in Scotland has been supported by Holyrood's Health and Sport Committee. However, to ensure that historic poor practices are never repeated, the committee has called for clarification and amendment to strengthen a number

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The Faculty of Advocates has helped MSPs to examine the implications of a possible repeal of the Human Rights Act in favour of a "British Bill of Rights". In written evidence to the Scottish Parliament’s European and External Relations Committee, the Faculty said it was not convinced of the need f

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Michael Matheson People on community payback orders (CPOs) carried out more than 1.3 million hours of unpaid work in communities across Scotland in 2014/15, according to a new report published today.

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Local school pupils have battled their way to the semi-finals of the Law Society of Scotland’s national debating tournament after arguing the cases for and against paying compensation for historical injustices. Of the 128 teams that entered the Donald Dewar Memorial Debating Tournament, 16 teams f

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Joe FitzPatrick The Scottish government has said its plans to increase transparency around lobbying have been “enhanced” with the commitment to a two-year review of its widely ridiculed lobbying legislation.

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(L-R): Bruce Beveridge, Nicola Gray, Leonie Donald, Musab Hemsi, Neil Morrison, and Caroline Docherty The most recent successful candidates for The WS Society’s Signet Accreditation programme were presented their awards by the chair of the Signet Accreditation board, Bruce Beveridge WS and deputy

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Ross McKenzie Ross McKenzie warns that the way organisations handle personal information will need to go through some significant changes in the coming years to accommodate the biggest change to the data protection regulatory framework since the early nineties.

22171-22185 of 24812 Articles