
22621-22635 of 24813 Articles
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Julius Komorowski Terra Firma's Julius Komorowski was one of the key speakers at the Academy of European Law’s "Seminar on Recent Case Law of The European Court of Human Rights in Criminal Matters" held in Strasbourg this week.

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Drink-driving offences in Scotland have plummeted, falling at nearly double the rate of the rest of the UK following the introduction of a new lower limit last December. In the period December 2014 to August 2015, offences fell by 12.5 per cent compared with the same time in the previous year. The f

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Robert Sharp Following calls from over 100 authors last week for reform of Scotland's antiquated defamation laws which not only endanger free speech but could lead to libel tourism, Scottish Legal News spoke to English PEN about the developments south of the border that culminated in the Defamation

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The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) is holding a Grand Chamber hearing today in the case of Ibrahim and Others v. the United Kingdom. The case concerns the temporary delay in providing access to a lawyer during the police questioning of suspects involved in the 21 July 2005 London bombings an

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A consultation on a new procedure to make lower value claims in the civil court more accessible to the public was launched today. The consultation paper, available on the Scottish Civil Justice Council (SCJC) website, seeks views on a new procedure to replace small claims and summary cause in the sh

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An accountant in High Wycombe could become the next Baronet of Stichill if the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council finds in his favour in a pioneering DNA case. Seven judges will decide whether an affair in the early 20th century has affected the bloodline in an attempt to resolve the case of ar

22621-22635 of 24813 Articles